Thomas H. Lapsly, Co. D, 54th Inf. Regt. was enrolled at Somerset Co., Pa. and mustered in Aug. 6, 1861 as a Captain at Camp Curtin, Pa. He was aged 39, with a fair complexion, light eyes, dark hair and was 5' 9.5" tall. He was by occupation, a "roller" and resided in Cambria Co., Pa. He was mustered out Feb. 27, 1865 at expiration of term. (Bates, Vol. 2, p. 154.)
(Source: History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861 - 1865, Samuel Bates, 1869; ARIAS, Pennsylvania's Digital State Archives online.)
(Source: History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, 1861 - 1865, Samuel Bates, 1869; ARIAS, Pennsylvania's Digital State Archives online.)